David R. Dávila - Trafficker

I am looking for work!

Finalist in MX eCommerce Awards 2024, Marketing4eCommerce MX Mode: Mejor Especialista Digital.

David R. Dávila

Professional profile

5 years of professional work and constant training have allowed me to work with international companies such as Chanel and Velas Resorts. From planning, development, implementation and reporting, my work focuses on achieving business objectives.

SEM Skills in Google ADS

Google ADS
General knowledge of the Google ADS platform. 75%
Mastery of the platform to achieve objectives.
Expert in using the Search network to achieve objectives, leads, eComm. 95%
Google ADS - Search Engine Network Knowlledge
Neat implementation in the search network, with CTRs greater than 15%. 100%
Reporting in Looker Studio
Automation of reports in Looker Studio. Custom report. 100%
Event Tagging
Labeling of events and verification. Correct data measurement. 80%


PHD Media

PHD Media Agency

09.2022 - 07.2024

Responsible for all SEA campaigns for the CHANNEl account in Mexico, focused on ecommerce conversion objectives.

Velas Resorts - Luxury Resorts

07.2021 - 12.2022

Responsible for Marketing management at the SEO and SEA level. Management of 2.6 million pesos monthly.

Seis Grados Agencia

09.2019 - 02.2021

Management of campaigns with a B2B focus.

Success stories

1. PHD Media

Context: PHD Media is a global agency that handles very important accounts. I was in charge of all the Search campaigns for the Chanel brand eCommerce in Mexico. The account had nearly 450 active campaigns for its different product line. When I took over the account, I immediately had different challenges: fixing campaigns that are active but not impressive, getting active campaigns to convert in eCommerce, getting an overview of the campaigns through the data.

1. Optimize Chanel´s Google ADS Account and achieve business objectives.

2. Strategy used: o correct active campaigns that were not impressive, I corrected the keywords that the global brand leader sent, since his proposal did not activate the campaigns because the pragmatic use of language was not considered when sending his keyword proposal. To achieve conversions I used transactional and exact match keywords. For an overview report on your account and campaigns, create a report in Looker Studio connected to your Google ADS account. To visualize the data in the best way, I included buttons that, through the taxonomies implemented in the campaigns, made specific queries to understand the complexity of the account.

3. Results: I improved the Google ADS Chanel account in every way. I managed to increase conversions per Google ADS campaign by 10.64%.

Insights: This account managed 100% branding Google ADS campaigns. The branding campaigns of a brand as important as Chanel ensure a generous percentage of conversions. However, this account had so many errors that it was not taking advantage of that high conversion rate. The work I did for this account helped optimize their campaigns and obtain better results in the conversion rate in their eCommerce. I was not able to finish the account optimization due to lack of time and resources. The account was too large, with too many problems, and they did not offer me support to achieve the objectives set.

2. Velas Resorts

Context: Velas Resorts is a luxury hotel chain in Mexico. At Google ADS I managed 6 accounts with different budgets each. There were branding and non-branding campaigns. The branding ones, of course, worked successfully without much effort. But the challenge was to attract new customers with non-branding campaigns. Among the many campaigns I set up that were successful, I remember 1 in specific.

1. Objective: attract new customers from a search network campaign whose keywords do not include the brand or hotel name.

2. Strategy used: perform keyword research using the Google ADS keyword planner tool. Find the transactional keyword that matches the hotel’s offer and also has a high search volume. Configure “calls” as the objective, given that in hospitality users prefer to buy by telephone rather than through eCommerce. 75% of sales are made by telephone.

3. Results: My non-branding keyword proposal along with my campaign resulted in a 110% percent increase in calls, compared to the previous period (month). It went from 600 calls to 1,260.

Insights: Well-developed keyword research is essential to obtain good results in a Search campaign. Of course, you have to verify that everything matches: page content, ad, keywords, search intent.

3. Freelance proyect

Context: At the beginning of my career it was difficult for me to gain the confidence to implement SEO strategies, and of course, SEM. So I decided to undertake a small project in which I created a website to implement an SEO strategy, and attract clients for tourist services that will be implemented in the place where I grew up.

1. Objective: Freely implement a Digital Marketing project: develop website, implement SEO strategy, implement SEM campaigns. This project includes the creation of a business model, eCommerce, labeling, and working on business objectives.

2. Strategy used: Inbound marketing strategy according to Hubspot guidelines, as well as SEO and SEM strategies, according to Google.

3. Results: 8.3 million pesos in sales in 4 years.

Insights: A single project requires utmost attention to obtain results. SEO works very well when the content is quality. SEM campaigns require absolute care of the budget and metrics to obtain profits.

How did I build this profile? It´s not fake?

I began my working career writing documents at a research agency. There I addressed various types of topics, such as law, marketing, gastronomy, psychology. Thanks to this, I gained knowledge in various topics, beyond my career. However, I will say I got into digital marketing when a client requested writing for their blog section on their website. When I trained to blog, I discovered the world of digital marketing, and since then I haven’t stopped to learn.

All my skills

My first job like SEO​

My first job related to digital marketing was as a copywriter. I trained to optimize content for search engines, I used Google documentation Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Guide for Beginners. Afterwards, I created my own websites to freely practice and test my skills. I got a job as an SEO and was able to optimize web pages to give them visibility and help companies increase their traffic.

On my own, I trained in Search Network to acquire a job as an SEM. After getting certified in Google, Velas Resorts (an important luxury hotel chain in Mexico) hired me as a Country Search Specialist.

I was in charge of 7 Google ADS accounts, 7 Meta ADS accounts, 1 Travel ADS account (Expedia), and the administration of 12 web pages. Thanks to the certifications I had, I increased incoming calls to the company’s call center by 110%. In hospitality, users still prefer to book their stays by telephone. In eCommerce, I increased purchases by platform by 4.3%, at a general level.

I started to work in 2019 like editor for an investigation´s agency. I wrote for many differents topics like marketing, law matter, economy, psicology, gastronomy. This job made me an expert on multiple topics. But I decide focus in Digital Marketing when a client request a special work: write blog for him website. I took training for it, and it opens me to the digital marketing´s world.

What can I do?

Currently, I am able to: create a website, tag it with Google Analytics, connect it with Hubspot, implement an eCommerce system with the most popular payment gateways (Paypal, Stripe, Clip), generate live reports with Google Analytics, position it in the top ten search engine results (SEO), implement Google ADS campaigns (SEM), create promotional videos for Meta ADS (image raising and editing in Premiere), launch Meta ADS campaigns, generate automatic reports with Looker Studio, they generate income. Each and every one of the activities I carry out are of extreme quality, with precision, and based on years of experience and acquired knowledge.

My shortcomings? I don’t know how to make viral Tiktoks, I don’t have the talent.

I am not a bot

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